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Clients in the News

Buzz for Radiotopia’s storytelling superstars

Over the past few months, PKPR has secured feature stories on The Heart and Criminal, two of the podcasts on the Radiotopia network that are shaping the future of storytelling. Here are a few of the highlights…

The Heart: Kaitlin Prest and Mitra Kaboli document the most intimate, joyful, unusual, and crushing moments of human relationships

Criminal: Phoebe Judge and Lauren Spohrer explore people who’ve done wrong, been wronged, or gotten caught somewhere in the middle.

PKPR Client: Public Radio Exchange (PRX)

PRX’s mission is to help diverse voices and awesome audio stories reach and inform millions of people through its innovative digital platforms, applications and services. From building apps for This American Life to distributing The Moth Radio Hour to hundreds of public radio stations across the country, PRX is breaking new ground in public media.

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