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CNBC on Fractured Atlas’ actively anti-racist workplace

Seemingly every company in America has issued a public statement condemning racism over the past weeks, but how do companies actually go about dismantling systemic racism within their culture?

CNBC talked to Fractured Atlas Co-CEOs Lauren Ruffin and Tim Cynova on how they went beyond traditional anti-discrimination policies to build an actively anti-racist and anti-oppressive workplace. Lauren and Tim are part of Fractured Atlas’s non-hierarchical leadership team, which is made up of four people in four parts of the country who fulfill the function of the organization’s CEO.

PKPR Client: Fractured Atlas

Fractured Atlas is the country’s largest arts service organization, reaching a network of more than 250,000 artists in all 50 states and all 435 congressional districts. Dedicated to empowering artists with the support they need to work effectively and thrive, Fractured Atlas provides funding, insurance, technology, education, and other services critical to building sustainable careers and organizations.

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