PKPR loves collaborating with clients that are using tech to do good.
Last week, PKPR announced that Benevolent, a crowdfunding site that lets anyone make small donations to help low-income individuals overcome one-time economic hurdles, received $285,000 in grants from Knight Foundation and the Marjorie S. Fisher Fund for an expansion into three new cities – Detroit, Charlotte, North Carolina, and San Jose/Silicon Valley.
The site enables individuals to make micro-donations to help people cover smaller, one-time needs that often fall through the gaps in the social safety net, such as eyeglasses, computers, transit passes and work boots.
The expansion of the social good startup received national coverage from’s Melissa Harris-Perry, who called Benevolent “a new way of fostering community engagement and expanding the social safety net,” as well as Mashable, Fast Company, VentureBeat, The Social Times, The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Chicago Grid, and Techli.