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ESI Work For Kennedy Institute Wins Praise

President Obama officially opened the Edward M. Kennedy Institute in Boston last week.  PKPR client ESI Design created the Institute’s interactive exhibits and visitor experience, which includes a program that allows up to 100 people to “play” Senators-in-Training in a full-scale recreation of the U.S. Senate Chamber.

The firm’s innovative work won praise from influential design outlets and columnists including Fast Company (”In This Museum, You Don’t Learn About Senators. You Are a Senator”), Quartz (”Ted Kennedy’s Institute Lets Visitors Play Senator For A Day”), and Slate (”Kennedy Institute Combines Cutting-Edge Tech With A Full-Scale Senate Replica”).

PKPR Client: ESI Design

Founded by interactive pioneer Edwin Schlossberg, ESI Design is an experiential design firm that has been redefining engagement for over 35 years. From its roots transforming the Brooklyn Children’s Museum to its current work with leading institutions and brands like The Edward M. Kennedy Institute, Barclays, Reuters, and PNC Bank, ESI integrates cutting-edge technology, digital media, art, and physical design to create environments that inspire audiences to meet, network, learn, collaborate, and be entertained and delighted.

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