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Internet Week Coverage Spreads Like a Viral Video

Celebrating its 5th year, Internet Week New York 2012 resulted in more coverage in a wider variety of outlets than ever before, solidifying its role as a leader in the New York City tech boom.

For the week-long festival, PKPR secured over 250 articles and credentialed nearly 300 journalists to cover this year’s festival, representing a 60% increase in both metrics over 2011.

In-depth coverage of the festival, which consisted of over 200 events, exhibits, panels, and parties across the city, included New York Daily NewsAdweek, Forbes.comAFP, and New York Observer’s BetaBeat.

Additionally, PKPR secured 30 broadcast segments including New York 1 NewsNew York Daily News videoNBC New York Nightly News, and Voice of America.

PKPR Client: Internet Week New York

Launched in 2008, Internet Week New York has become one of the world’s top festivals celebrating digital culture, as well as a global showcase for New York City’s thriving technology industry. The annual event draws more than 45,000 people from around the world to over 400 events panels, conferences, exhibits, meetups, and parties across the city.

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