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MapBox Raises $10 Million in Funding

If you use foursquare or Uber, you’ve used a map powered MapBox. Now, thanks to raising $10 million in Series A funding from The Foundry Group, you can expect to be hearing a lot more from this Washington, DC-based startup.

For today’s announcement, PKPR placed an exclusive story with the Wall Street Journal’s Lora Kolodny, who provided a terrific overview of how the funding positions MapBox as a major challenger to Google Maps.

Other coverage highlights included Fast CompanyTechCrunchCNETVentureBeatReutersWashington PostCrowdsourcingCapital Business, and Washington Business Journal.

PKPR Client: MapBox

MapBox makes it easy and affordable for anyone to create highly customized, interactive maps for websites and apps using open-source tools and data.

Learn more about MapBox →