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Springboard highlights NEA’s rural impact

With the Trump administration proposing to eliminate funding for the National Endowment of the Arts, Springboard for the Arts wanted to help shape the national debate by highlighting how a $25,000 NEA grant helped a struggling rural Minnesota community leverage 10 times that amount in new private investments ($1.2 million) for an innovative artist-led economic development program.

PKPR placed in depth stories on Springboard’s powerful NEA case study in outlets including ThinkProgressVice’s Creators, and The Art Newspaper.

PKPR Client: Springboard for the Arts

Springboard for the Arts cultivates vibrant neighborhoods by connecting artists with the skills, resources, and opportunities they need to not only make a living but to make positive change in their communities. Through innovative programs like CSAs (Community Supported Art), Artists’ Health Fairs, Irrigate, and Ready Go, Springboard to the Arts helps communities collaborate with artists to solve local economic, social, and cultural challenges.  Its national initiative, Creative Exchange, enables communities everywhere to replicate Springboard for the Arts’ flagship programs as well as proven projects from across the country that mobilize the powerful, creative force of artists to build stronger cities.  Springboard for the Arts is based in St. Paul and Fergus Falls, Minnesota.

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