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The Moth Receives MacArthur Grant

Congratulations to The Moth, which has received has received a $750,000 grant from the MacArthur Foundation, which will be used to expand its Moth Radio Hour to a weekly program and to preserve its vast video and audio archive of live performances. Check out the amazing video above from The MacArthur Foundation and these fantastic stories on the grant in Wall Street JournalThe Boston Globe The Huffington Post, and The New York Times.

PKPR Client: The Moth

The Moth is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the art and craft of storytelling. The Moth has presented more than three thousand stories, told live and without notes, by people from all walks of life to standing-room-only crowds worldwide. The Moth features simple, old-fashioned storytelling on thoroughly modern themes by wildly divergent raconteurs who develop and shape their stories with The Moth’s directors.

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