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True Love’s Kiss Wows

PKPR generated widespread regional media coverage for Miguel Braceli’s participatory performance piece “True Love’s Kiss: A Queer Fairy Tale in Provincetown,” where 40 participants gathered on a jetty to embrace the artist in a powerful statement on queer love and inclusion. Coverage highlights included WGBH-FM (NPR-Boston), Boston Globe, Cape Cod Times, Provincetown Independent, and Out Traveler.

PKPR Client: Fine Arts Work Center

The Fine Arts Work Center is an international home for artists and writers in Provincetown, Massachusetts —  the country’s most enduring artists’ community. Founded in 1968 by a group of luminary creators including Stanley Kunitz, Robert Motherwell, Josephine and Salvatore Del Deo, and Hudson and Ione Walker, the Work Center has given artists and writers the space and time to pursue their work within a community of peers for more than half a century.

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