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CBS News Covers Birth of Rare Senegal Lion Cubs

In a thrilling sign of recovery for the Critically Endangered West African lion, Panthera and Senegal’s Department of National Parks (DPN) this week released breathtaking footage and photos of a West African lioness and her three cubs as they nurse, play, and feed in Senegal’s Niokolo Koba National Park (NKNP). The videos and photos feature ‘Florence,’ a 9 to 10-year-old GPS-collared lioness that scientists believe has now given birth to three litters — nine cubs in total — in her lifetime. Now considered the matriarch of Niokolo Koba, this lioness has contributed to approximately one-third of the park’s lion population.

Coverage of the birth included CBS NewsThe GuardianNew York Post,  Good News NetworkMiami HeraldAfrica News, and Mongabay.