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Character Day in Parents, EdSurge

For the past ten years, Character Day co-founder Tiffany Shlain, her husband, and her two kids (16 and 10) have unplugged from their devices every Saturday. In her new book 24/6: The Power of Unplugging One Day a Week (Simon & Schuster/Gallery Books), Shlain chronicles how the weekly tech break changed their lives, giving them more time, productivity, connection, and presence. Taking place in classrooms and schools nationwide each year, Character Day focuses on helping students develop character strengths like grit and gratitude. This year’s Character Day on Friday, September 27, will culminate with students nationwide turning off their screens for 24 hours, with the goal of continuing it on a weekly basis.

PKPR secured coverage for this year’s Character Day and Tiffany’s book in a range of outlets including a feature in the print issue of Parents Magazine and stories in outlets from EdSurge (”Can putting away devices build character?”) to Mommy Nearest (”Here’s how your family can go screen-free for one day a week”).

PKPR Client: Let It Ripple

Let It Ripple’s mission is to use film, technology, discussion materials, and live and virtual events to engage people in conversation and action around complicated subjects that are shaping our lives, and updating these topics through an engaging, accessible, 21st-century lens. Over the past ten years, the team has created and distributed 28 films, engaged more than 50 million people in dialogue, and created a new way of making films called “cloud filmmaking,” where films are made collaboratively with people from all over the world and organize global days of screening, conversation and action. Helmed by Tiffany Shlain, Emmy-nominated filmmaker, thought leader and founder of The Webby Awards, Shlain has had four films premiere at Sundance, has won more than 80 awards, and has had four of her films selected by The U.S. State Department to screen at embassies around the world to foster dialogue across borders.

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