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Link TV iPad App Launches

Revolutions happen. Russian punk rockers are sent to jail. The shooting of a 14-year-old Pakistani girl galvanizes a country – and the world. 

To help viewers make sense of global events, Link TV launched the first iPad app that curates the best television news, raw videos, and documentaries from around the world.

PKPR secured coverage of the app in a wide range of outlets from NBC NewsThe Next Web, and The Guardian to & CableTab Times, and Addictive Tips.  We also placed bylines by Link TV executives on how the app revolutionizes global news for the YouTube era in outlets like MediaShiftHuffington Post, and Take Part.

PKPR Client: Link TV

Link Media uses media and the power of stories to engage, inform and inspire its audiences to participate in transformational, sustainable change on issues of global importance. Founded in 1999, Link Media operates the Link TV national network and the websites and An independent and non-commercial media company, Link Media acquires, produces and delivers global news, documentaries and cultural programming over three distribution channels: broadcast, web, and mobile devices. 

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