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Clients in the News

Night of Philosophy in NY Times, New Yorker, WSJ

Over 5,000 people waited in line for up to three hours to attend the first-ever Night of Philosophy in New York City last week.

PKPR worked closely with reporters at several major outlets to attend and cover most of the 12-hour event overnight event. The result was in depth stories covering the night as it unfolded hour-by-hour. Highlights included a front-page Arts section story in the New York Times (”12 Hours of a Mental Marathon”), a New Yorker Talk of the Town pieceThe Wall Street JournalGothamistBrooklyn Rail, and ArtForum.

PKPR Client: Cultural Services of the French Embassy

The Cultural Services of the French Embassy promotes the best of French arts, literature, cinema, digital innovation, language, and higher education across the US. Based in New York City, Washington D.C., and eight other cities across the country, the Cultural Services brings artists, authors, intellectuals and innovators to cities nationwide. It also builds partnerships between French and American artists, institutions and universities on both sides of the Atlantic. In New York, through its bookshop Albertine, it fosters French-American exchange around literature and the arts.

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