NYLON’s Kristin Iversen sits down with Economic Hardship Reporting Project’s Alissa Quart and director Maisie Crowe for an in-depth look at Jackson, the 2018 Emmy Award-winning documentary about how abortion restrictions affect three women in rural Mississippi. Jackson might not have been made without crucial initial funding from EHRP, the journalism nonprofit dedicated to changing the way economic disparity is covered in the U.S.
PKPR Client: Economic Hardship Reporting Project
The Economic Hardship Reporting Project, a journalism nonprofit founded in 2012 by Barbara Ehrenreich, aims to change the national conversation around poverty and economic insecurity. The stories that EHRP commissions—from narrative features to photo essays and video productions—put a human face on financial instability. EHRP has placed its contributors’ reportage and photojournalism at The New York Times, NBC News, Politico, The Verge, Vox, Vogue, The Atlantic, The New Yorker and many others.
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