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Sheryl Oring on NPR

Crisscrossing the country just like Obama, Clinton, and McCain, artist Sheryl Oring is gathering messages for the next president the old-fashioned way: people sit down at her mobile desk, dictate their missives, and she manually types them using a vintage typewriter. The letters will be presented to 44th president of the United States in January 2009.

As Sheryl tours the country, PKPR is raising awareness of the project by securing local, national, and international coverage – from the Los Angeles Times to the New York Daily News to Yahoo! Espana and Huffington Post.

But we were most excited about NPR’s coverage.

PKPR worked closely with NPR’s Bryant Park Project to develop an entire program around Sheryl’s New York City appearance that included NPR listeners submitting their own messages to the next president. Sheryl typed several of them and NPR posted them online, as well as a wonderful video segment that really captures what this special project is all about.

PKPR Client: I Wish To Say by Sheryl Oring

Sheryl Oring is an artist and writer whose work explores issues related to the First Amendment as well as language and memory.

Oring initiated the I Wish to Say project in 2004 as a commissioned artwork for the First Amendment Project ( in Oakland, Calif. Peter Jennings named her Person of the Week on ABC’s World News Tonight for her work on the project during the Republican National Convention in New York in 2004.

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