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Slate, Time cover STELLAService Back-to-School Study

In advance of Back to School shopping season, STELLAService studied just how much money shoppers save by purchasing school supplies on sites such as and instead of going to the stores themselves. Their finding: the firm’s mystery shoppers spent significantly more to buy the same or comparable items online as they did offline.

Coverage of the STELLAService study included: CNBCTimeSlatePCMagUS News & World Report, and Consumerist.

PKPR Client: STELLAService

Dedicated to helping consumers make more informed online shopping decisions, STELLAService is the first and only independent provider of customer service ratings for online retailers. Using its proprietary, rigorous evaluation system, STELLAService rates thousands of retailers each year across a broad array of criteria, including usability and online tools, shipping and returns and customer support.

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