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FAWC in ARTnews

PKPR placed an exclusive announcement in ARTnews revealing a transformative $200,000 bequest from the estate of Robert Motherwell and Renate Ponsold to the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, which the abstract expressionist master helped establish in 1968. The gift ensures that Motherwell’s impact on American art will continue through his support of emerging artists at the historic institution he helped create. 

PKPR Client: Fine Arts Work Center

The Fine Arts Work Center is an international home for artists and writers in Provincetown, Massachusetts —  the country’s most enduring artists’ community. Founded in 1968 by a group of luminary creators including Stanley Kunitz, Robert Motherwell, Josephine and Salvatore Del Deo, and Hudson and Ione Walker, the Work Center has given artists and writers the space and time to pursue their work within a community of peers for more than half a century.

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