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Albany Law School in Salon

Albany Law School Professor and domestic violence survivor advocate Dale Cecka wrote a reflection on “It Ends with Us” – the blockbuster film that has fumbled its portrayal of intimate partner violence. Read more in Salon.

Albany Law School in Law360

Albany Law School Professor Jonathan Rosenbloom wrote an op-ed on Law360 on the rise of state and local environmental leadership in the face of a stymied Congress and a hostile SCOTUS.

Przekrój in Literary Hub

As part of the US launch of PKPR client Przekrój Magazine, Literary Hub has published an essay by Przekrój contributor Klaudia Khan.

Mozilla in Los Angeles Times

Read an op-ed by Amazon’s Jen Caltrider, Director of *Privacy Not Included, on the occassion of Amazon’s 30th anniversary.

Albany Law School in Newsday

This week, Albany Law School Professor Dale Cecka wrote an op-ed for Newsday arguing that New York State must stop allowing anonymous reports to Child Protective Services.

Fine Arts Work Center in WBUR

Listen to the wonderful interview on WBUR-FM (NPR-Boston), where U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón shares how her time in Provincetown and at the Work Center helped forge her deep connection to both nature and poetry.