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Mozilla in the LA Times

Amazon turned 30 on July 5.

In an op-ed in The Los Angeles Times, Jen Caltrider, director of the *Privacy Not Included project for Mozilla, discusses why she is not celebrating Amazon’s 30th birthday. In the piece, she says “Privacy and free will are inextricably intertwined: Both rest on being left to decide who we are, what we want and when we want it without anyone watching or interfering. Privacy is good for our mental health and good for society. Neither corporations nor governments — which have a way of acquiring the data the companies collect — should have access to unlimited knowledge about who we are and what we do all the time.”

PKPR Client: Mozilla

Mozilla is a nonprofit that believes the Internet must always remain a global public resource, open and accessible to all. Its work is guided by the Mozilla Manifesto. The direct work of the Mozilla Foundation focuses on fueling the movement for an open Internet. Mozilla does this by connecting open Internet leaders with each other and by mobilizing grassroots activists around the world. The Foundation is also the sole shareholder in the Mozilla Corporation, the maker of Firefox and other open-source tools.

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