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Albany Law School in Law360

Albany Law School Professor Jonathan Rosenbloom wrote an op-ed on Law360 on the rise of state and local environmental leadership in the face of a stymied Congress and a hostile SCOTUS.

Mozilla in the LA Times

Read an op-ed by Amazon’s Jen Caltrider, Director of *Privacy Not Included, on the occassion of Amazon’s 30th anniversary.

CASS in Food Dive

For World Oceans Day today, Ryan Bigelow, the Conservation Alliance for Seafood Solutions project director, wrote an op-ed for Food Dive, a leading food industry news outlet, on why the seafood industry must recognize that healthy seas require safeguarding human rights.

The Clinic in Ms.

Ms. Magazine talked to Tara Rynders about how she is using dance to help nurses deal with compassion fatigue and burnout.

BPL op-ed in NY Daily News

In 2020, hundreds of people across Brooklyn participated in 32 town halls as part of Brooklyn Public Library’s 28th Amendment Project. 

Panthera on NPR’s Science Friday

An innovative audio monitoring initiative that records noises such as gunshots and barking dogs is helping authorities track and curtail jaguar poachers.

Character Day in Parents, EdSurge

For the past ten years, Character Day co-founder Tiffany Shlain, her husband, and her two kids have unplugged from their devices every Saturday.

NYLON profiles EHRP’s Jackson doc

NYLON’s Kristin Iversen sits down with Economic Hardship Reporting Project’s Alissa Quart for an in-depth look at Emmy Award-winning documentary ‘Jackson’.

NYC Hosts a Festival About Death

A weeklong festival exploring big questions about life and death will unfold not just in theaters and concerts halls across New York City’s five boroughs.

Reimagine End of Life on WNYC

Brad Wolfe, the founder of Reimagine End of Life, appeared on WNYC’s All of It with Alison Stewart today to discuss the weeklong festival.

Seal of Excelencia Launches

More than 60 leaders of higher education and Latino advocacy institutions and organizations this week endorsed The Seal of Excelencia.

Reimagine in artnet

artnet took an in-depth look today at the dozens of visual and performance art events taking place during the Reimagine End of Life festival.

Reimagine End of Life in NY Times

PKPR placed an exclusive in The New York Times announcing the first Reimagine End of Life, a citywide festival exploring questions about life and death.